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~ History of the Everett Yacht Club ~


No history of the Everett Yacht Club can ever be quite complete. Growing from two separate organizations -- one on the Riverside and the other on the Bayside -- both clubs suspended formal operations at one time or another. Records, at least of the very early organizations, have been lost or destroyed. It is only since the club began its practice of publishing an annual that records are more nearly complete. We are indebted to the following for much of this story: Alvin Pettersen, Roy Jensen, Nick Reinell, Hank Goldfinch, Frank Sumner, Walt Morris, Paul Morris, Henry Brown, Bob Best, George Martin, and from a scrap book compiled by the late Past Commodore Frank Chandler. This early history of the Everett Yacht Club was documented in the 1980 EYC Annual.  Read more...