WIC turns 65! Join women from the Grand 14 to celebrate 65 years of community. Please register on Club Express so we can RSVP to Meydenbauer YC for a chef prepared lunch, dessert and wine. Make out and mail your check to Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club. Include Everett Yacht Club in your notes section for $35 to: Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club 9927 Meydenbauer Bay S.E. Bellevue, WA 98004. We need to submit our head count by Auguest 29th, so register now! Your registration will also include a raffle ticket for a gift basket. The location, the food, the occasion and the camaraderie will be for an event you will not want to miss! Even though the Club Express listing shows "No Fee" for Active Members, a $35 fee still needs to be mailed to Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club.